Amazon, the next step of the journey

Three out of every four book sold in the UK are sold by Amazon. It’s convenient, sometimes cheaper than a high street bookshop, and once ordered, a book arrives on your doorstep the next day. Bookshops have an important place, offering advice, events and once they get to know you, suggesting titles they know you’ll love reading. There’s certainly room for both and I for one, buy books that catch my eye on the shelf in the bookshop, and books I’ve read a news review of from Amazon.

So seeing my forthcoming book Where are the Fellows who Cut the Hay listed on Amazon, is a big step in its journey from conception to publication. The book is about to go to print, and will be on sale early in April and already, a good number of people are pre-ordering copies from Amazon.

I’ve already been approached about speaking at one literary festival, and hope I am invited to speak at others, as well perhaps as to book clubs and students. The first section, of the first draft of this book formed my MA dissertation, a course I passed with distinction, and without that university experience I would never have started the book - despite it being a long held ambition.

If you read this, please do check out the book, both on Amazon and better, at your local bookshop, who I’m sure would be delighted to order a copy for you.


‘You don’t see many Leiston people here.’


It’s time to throw away the hot water bottle