A fresh start

Change has been a constant companion throughout my life, and I have a tendency not to celebrate achievements, preferring to simply get on with the next project. But returning to Leiston and accepting that I am now a pensioner and no longer chasing paid work (unless it is really interesting and worthwhile) is perhaps my last opportunity to make a fresh start.

If I age in a similar way to others in my family, I have perhaps useful 20 years left, before I retreat from the world to await my death and conversion into a Bodyworlds exhibit.

The one thing I am determined not to do is look back at the life I have left behind in Norfolk. That’s why this new website has none of the glowing testimonials, blogs or success stories my previous site had accumulated over the years. I no longer have to reassure clients that I can do what I promise, nor do I need to attract new paid work.

I’m making a fresh start and await with interest, to see what opportunities present themselves.


Preparing for the post-hydrocarbon era


Breaking eggs